Mr. Majestic x
"8037" (Bravo x Doc {Legend mom})
Owned with:
May Valley Club Lambs, Dominion Livestock & Burch Livestock, LLC - Kolby, Micky, & Miles
8037 is currently our leading donor at Nathan Club Lambs. She is the Dam of "Slot Machine" & "Flower", who was the Supreme Champion Commercial Ewe at the 2020 NAILE & was named "Female of the Year". "Geek Squad" is a 1/2 brother to Rule Sheep Co. record-selling buck, "Break the Internet". And "Geek Squad" is here to fix your "Broken Internet"!
Geek Squad
Call us for fresh semen inquiries.
Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs. If semen is stored at a facility (i.e. RSG or REI), buyers will work directly with the facility in regards to shipping costs. Otherwise, semen can be picked up at the farm or delivered to a show and/or sale. Please contact us for more info.